This blog is dedicated to present the activities to engage different stakeholders –professional and citizens; local administrations and civic organizations; students and tutors from architecture and planning schools– in participatory processes aimed at identifying the problems that local communities faced with regard to housing.

Specifically, four actions have been planned by OIKONET partners in different locations in Europe to involve a variety of local actors:

  • In Barcelona, Spain, a participatory action has been carried out by the School of Architecture La Salle and the cooperative of Sostre Cívic from October 2013 to January 2014. The purpose of the action has been to engage architecture students and future residents of this building in a collaborative process with the aim to identify the needs of the dwellers. The activities have been summarized in this video.
  • In Rimini, Italy, a participatory action has been conducted between June 2013 and April 2014, led by Heriscape and the Ordine degli Architetti Rimini. Ten public and private institutions have collaborated to find out ways to overcome the difficulties that some segments of the population (specially, young people) have to access social housing in this medium-size city. The activities have been summarized in this video.
  • In Skopje, Macedonia, a participatory action has taken place from 15 to 17 October 2015, led by the Faculty of Architecture in Skopje. The purpose of this activity has been to develop methods and tools that enable the residents of the area of Ilinden to understand the use they make of the communal spaces.
  • In Bratislava, Slovakia, the purpose is to engage residents of the Petržalka district in the on-going process of revision of the master plan of the area, and to foster the cooperation between public administration and private organizations in the decision-making process concerning the future development of the district. 
In the main menu of this blog, the plans of the actions planned at each location are presented (e.g. BARCELONA: Plan). The implemented activities are described in the successive posts accessible in the lower menu (e.g. BARCELONA: Actions).

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